Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 kilometres...CHECK!

Took 30 km with the "Dream-Team" on exactly 2h and 59 minutes. Weather was SHIIT! Sno-mixed rain, slivery-wet sh--- roads, humidity = 100 % and t = 1-2 degrees celcius. But the dogs did a great job. Now they will have some days to rest in. Paws need it, and I have to go to Denmark, I have a very sick old father in hospital.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Finally snow!

Finally we had some snow. Not enough to start preparing the tracks, but enough to make the world look white and cold. Dogs love it!

Had to loosen up my mind. My father is in hospital, and I have been very worried the latest couple of days. I'm going home to see him next weekend, but he is 90 years old and anything can happen in that age, when You catch pneumonia!

So I ran 8 km on 45 minutes! So far the knees seems to have accepted the punishment, but to morrow will show how well :-) Pain is STILL just a mental state!

Later I drove the "Dream-Team" 15 km - no stops in the forest after it had become dark. I think the darkness made the dogs more eager to run. Perhaps they felt how the animals started to be active around them.. No matter what did it, they were literarily flying tonight! Did the trip in app. one hour! Tommorrow we will be taking a longer trip!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Took the my team out on 25 km today. Nice ride, only one stop on app 5-10 minutes. Time: 2:10!
I'm very pleased with my dawgs!

We now have more than 230 km inthe legs of each dog of this team!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

22 km...

Today we took the 3 dogs in the dream-team out on 22 km. We did the ride in exactly 2 hours. Weather had become a little colder and the road was frozen. The cart and I weight app 110-115 kg, so I'm very pleased with their performance.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

10 km in 49 minutes..

8/11 took the 3 dogs: Imelda, Silver and Anna out on a fast ride on only 10 km, just to make them have fun! We drove on a new track, and the dogs were really on to it. Though I stopped several times, because of the temperature (T=8-9 degrees Celcius) we made the run on 49 minutes inclusive the stops.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A long vet ride in the forest!

Had a great day in the woods! despite of fog and rain + the temperature between 6-8 degrees Celcius, the dogs did a very good job. The cart and I weighs 110-115 kg and the roads were very muddy. Drove the 3 dogs 24 km. Took a break on 15-16 minutes, were we had a cup of tea and some sandwiches + gave the muddy -"muds" their water and snacks. The total time inclusive this break and some other small breaks (to avoid overheating because of the heat and moisture) was less than 2 hours and 40 minutes. Now I only long for the winter to come for real!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Muddy-grey is THE color again this autumn!
Took each dog out on 9-10 km alone on the mountainbike. Roads are TERRIBLE right now! I want the mtb-rides to let the dogs loosen up and trot in a fast and steady way with out any weight at all. This is only for their recreation of their stiff muscles and to make their VO2 increase. So I had to do a lot of work my self. And after 27-28 km on these roads, I look like beauty-parlors total amount of mudd-masks! But I feel GOOD!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Training ME - Coopers test..

Today I did the "short-test" on my self: 2500 meters on 12 minutes, I was faster this summer, but now I know what I have to go for.. Would like to get back upon the 2700 meters..
And I WILL get there.
Tomorrow I'll take the dogs out again on a longer trip..

October was unusually warm and moisty. But I’m glad, that everything is not yet covered in snow. I still have a lot of things left undone, since I had my operation in my shoulder. Last year I had a TOTAL luxation and they ”missed” the fact, that the cartilage was ruptured, so the arm did not really attached the joint properly for more than a year! Amazing what You CANNOT see on MR-scans! (I had exrays + TWO scans!)

Alex has made me a ”snowgrooming-device” so we will have nice tracks to train on. I need that, because I have a vision on getting better on skating-skies!

Due to different circumstances, we do not train all our dogs. O’Nelly and Blackout are only 7 month, Ajax is 12, Madsen is on Levaxin and Phenobarbitol and Dizzy is only doing a good job, when she is NOT running on snow. She was spooked like hell once in a team of 4 dogs, but I use her as a great running-partner.
 Grizly was hit by a train going 70 km/h but survived. He still has some pains, which is understandeble. Left are Anna, Silver and Imelda. But in a month the two youngsters will be introduced to pulling a dogsled too.

So far this is what we have accieved in October + 1 1/2 week of September:

Imelda: 148,4 km
Silver: 148,3 km
Anna: 139,9 km
Nelly: 3,5 km
Blackie: 7,5 km
Dizzy : 22,2 km
Grizly : 15 km
Madsen: 14,5 km
Ajax: 12 km
Kirsten Poulsen: 115,2km

Traininglogg November:
Imelda: 148,4 km
Silver: 148,3 km
Anna: 139,9 km
Nelly: 3,5 km
Blackie: 7,5 km
Dizzy : 22,2 km
Grizly : 15 km
Madsen: 14,5 km
Ajax: 12 km
Kirsten Poulsen: 115,2km + 2,5 = 117,7 km