Sunday, October 9, 2011


Today we saw the first snow falling down... and melting away just as fast as it hit the ground. But still it made me long for sledding and skiing..
And it made me remember, that preparing the outdoor-areas for the wintertime is the next job -as is getting the snowblizzard and the two snowmobiles to town for service.
Tree years ago we had 1,25 meters in just two days as early as the 19th of october!
I also had to seperate Anna from the boys now, including her son; Blackout. She started her heat today!
So now Blackie is going with his father. It's time for one of those "man to man-talk" :-)
Behind stands another happy face: Madsen. Theis sweet boy will be the one spending the night indoors tonight.
Grizly and his son has taken the completely new kennel and luxury-dubble-doghouse in their position.
Grizly must have been very pleased with the new surroundings, because he used 15 minutes just to make sure NO PART of the doghouse was "un-pissed"!
Photos will come soon!

1 comment:

  1. haha =) Detta pissande = Nä jag försöker ta det lugnt med handen å jag gör det oxå =) Jag och lill tjejen ska snart ut å köra lite 3hjuling, hon styr å jag bromsa :D Hade så tur att bromsen satt på höger sida(hel hand) Så de fungera med lill tjejens hjälp =) Tur hon e lika hundgalen som mig =) Kram och jobba lugnt i dag nu!! Jag fortsätter 5 veckor hemma jag =) Kram
