Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Training in may.. and enjoying life at Härringe Castle!

Since I started the program from "I Form", I'm now up on running 18-20 minutes. But unfortunately I have some pain in my bad hip from time to time, which has forced me to slow down.. Of cause slowing down is not an option in my head. So I had to alter my training to make it fit my body and age (USH.. I don't wanna think about age..)
Luckily I had the good fortune to come across a "power-step-machine", and on that I can walk my ass of upstairs without feeling anything in my hips or knees. So now I only run once a week + do the steps twice. It is my plan to start running the mountain-bike next week as well. 

Yesterday I ran 18 minutes and today I took 25 minutes (2800 steps) in the machine. In the weekend I'm going to run together with my good friend Cia in Lövberga. It's good to have someone to train with once in a while :-)

In this weekend we spend a night at an old castle south of Stockholm. On Härringe we enjoyed all the good things life have to offer regarding delicious food and exquisite wines! It felt wonderful to be able to really dress-up and feel beautiful and dine in fantastic surroundings. Of cause we took a lot of photos there as well. The day after we did the complete opposite thing: camping in a tent on a small island in the coastal area south of Stockholm. The island of Landsort is know for its great birdlife and beautiful nature.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

American cupcakes and whisky/whiskie...

In Sweden it is a great tradition to celebrate "Valborgs evening", which represents the end of April and the real beginning of the spring. The Swedes have a strong tradition for this, and the most important part of that is: Making a huge bonfire and getting loaded...
We skipped the bonfire...
A very close friend of ours had invited us to dinner (which I had to prepare!) and tasting of more or less good whisky/whiskies. That was the responsibility of Alex and our friend. You do what You do best :-)
The menu was created with american style: after a dish with avocados and scrimps we had barbecue chicken-wings creamed corn and sweet potatoes, for dessert a tropical fruit-sallad with chocolate and finally cupcakes with chocolate-frostingsand the stars and stripes on top. Here we found out, that "Jim Bean" is NOT our first choice! But we had it along just to have a "ground zero" - a point of reference.

To make sure, that I could continue living healthy despite an evening in "sin", I did the next step in my training-programme: 10 minutes of "power-walking" + 15 minutes of normal running + 10 minutes of walking and stretching. My body actually handled the "Day after" very well!

In the weekend before Valborgs evening we trained all the dogs, but ufortunately we had a flat tire :-(
Shit happends! But the dogs still did a great job, they still have a huge heart for running, though it is in the late season and the weather is getting warmer and warmer.